Main Dishes


Like my Chicken au Champagne recipe, we’ve been eating A LOT of bolognese this winter as I’ve been working to perfect the recipe…really just an excuse to eat more bolognese! My obsession started with one of the first blizzards we had in Boston. I mean, pasta with bolognese is an ideal blizzard meal. I was determined to make a healthier version and am thrilled with where I ended up…

Bolognese Ingredients

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Reupholster an Ottoman

l love giving things a make over, it’s such a sense of accomplishment when it all works out! We inherited this little ottoman. While I wasn’t in love with it’s looks, I figured it was worth taking because it doubles as storage and I love creating the illusion of a clutter free house. Just don’t open any closets, cabinets or ottomans. Reupholstering a piece like this is pretty simple….

ottoman tools

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